We have all wondered what it's like to be as care free as a dog - especially when they get to come to doggy daycare heaven! Well, we are about to let you in on what it is like spending a day here with us...

We start the day with the most exciting thing - being told it's daycare day! Breakfast time is as fast as a flash and then in the car to be dropped off for the day. On arrival we charge through into the field to go and say hi to all of our buddies and get tickles and hellos from the daycare staff. It's very exciting because more and more of our friends get dropped off as the morning goes on. We do all of our wees and poos as we come in, normally when the staff's back is turned so they have to come back with the bucket and pick it up.
If it's cool enough, we go out onto the field and have ball time. For those not interested in balls or toys, we play with our mates and

on all the equipment in the adventure play area. The daycare staff run around with us and sing songs help to get us into a playful daycare mood too.
We do sniffs all the way around the field to see what animals have visited the night before - normally lots of rabbits, mice and birds for us to smell. Once we have expelled our morning burst of energy we head up to the barn for a rest and a listen to the radio. Sometimes we even have doggy chill music to help us relax.
We go back out onto the field to play again with all of our pals before lunchtime comes. We have a sniff and explore in the training area too - it's great in there as sometimes there are dropped treatos we can hoover up.
Lunchtime, we have pick ups and drop offs and some doggos get to eat lunch which is sooooo unfair! It's time for cuddles with the humans and a quick rest. Once all of that is done! It's time for play again...

We are a bit tired by this point so we play slowly and have cuddles out on the field which we love. In secret, the humans are breaking up biscuits to scatter over the long grass. We love this time of day! Using our noses mentally stimulates us and gets us all calm and happy. The biscuits are hidden and we play 'go find it'. The spaniels generally stay out to make sure every last one is hoovered up, others just like an easy win!
In winter, we get individually bathed in warm water and towelled off ready for pick up so we aren't all mucky. In the summer, we relax on the cold barn floor and wait for our humans whilst having cuddles.
Parents turn up one by one and we wait to see if it is for us. If we are lucky, we get amazing treatos from the shop and snack on them before sleeping all night when we get home.